Just about me :D

hey guys :) just about me really, my name is jake, i am 16 doing my a levels , i am deaf, christian and proud :)
On here, i am just planning to blog about my day to day life, on being deaf in a hearing world and the world according to me :)
my deafness is severe to profoundly deaf- so pretty deaf haha :)
i love to play sports- i play for the england deaf cricket lions squad

Wednesday 15 February 2012

The Embarrassment...

ooooo, my first post, how exiting! as you can see i have named this post - The embarrassment...- so what do i mean? every day i come across, some imbecilic  donkey- who asks the question, " caaaan yoooouuuu heaaarrrr meeee?" with the ridiculous over-sized gestures in front of many people. just because i asked them to speak that bit clearer as i am deaf. this causes me and I'm sure many deaf teens across the UK and world embarrassment. this embarrassment causes us to unhappy and bummed out about our disability. why should we feel like this? why should we have to deal with this? why should we cope with this every single day?- we should be feeling pride and joy that we are different and that we are not sheep following the crowd and that we are deaf! 

Don't get me wrong, this is not the fault of the individuals within the hearing society but the fault of the intuitions that are a huge part of the modern society, the schools, the councils, the government. full stop. these intuitions are built to consider each group of people- they successfully consider many groups- christian, muslim, women, men, blind, wheelchairs, but they do not successfully cover 2 groups and that is my and many other teens group - the young adults (teens) and DEAF people. why not? they need to consider all groups and all people. i personally think that they should have not only deaf young people but a range of people who are representing their group of people in the most important decisions that face this society. 

thank you for reading my first post- hope you have enjoyed- any views or ideas just comment or get in touch :) 
